
  • Politics
  • School

  • School of Arts and Sciences
  • Expertise

  • Family Policy
  • Public Policy
  • Latin American Politics
  • Political Economy
  • Catholic Social Thought
  • Eric Voegelin
  • Immanuel Kant
  • Dr. Gustavo Adolfo Santos holds a BA in Sociology and an MA in Social Anthropology from the State University of Campinas (Brazil) and a PhD in Political Theory from The Catholic University of America (CUA).

    Dr. Santos has held a range of leadership and academic roles throughout his career. He served as Civic Education Coordinator for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brazil and as Vice-Director of the Oficina Municipal Public Management School in São Paulo. At the National Secretariat for the Family within Brazil's Ministry of Women, Family, and Human Rights, he directed the Work-Family Balance division and led the National Observatory of the Family, the Ministry’s research unit focused on family policy.

    In academia, Dr. Santos is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Politics at CUA and serves as Assistant Director for Curriculum for the university’s Master’s in Public Policy program. He has taught at universities in Brazil and delivered lectures to diverse audiences in Latin America and Singapore. Additionally, he is the chief editor of Dignitas, the international journal published by the Brazilian Institute of Law and Religion.

    Dr. Santos’s research interests include family public policy, the interplay between liberalism and Christianity, religious liberty, and Latin American politics, as well as the thought of German political theorist Eric Voegelin. He is the author of a handbook on political parties and has contributed to several books and academic journals.